What Do You Need A Blog For Dude?

This article was scraped from Rochester Subway. This is a blog about Rochester history and urbanism has not been published since 2017. The current owners are now publishing link spam which made me want to preserve this history.. The original article was published January 16, 2009 and can be found here.

I've been working hard to add new and exciting stuff to RochesterSubway.com over the past month. Not the least of which is this handy-dandy Blog thingy. Relax, we won't be calling it a "Blog" -- that's so 2005. We'll just call them articles and I'll be posting them as we have news or stories to share.

Old articles will be archived and searchable under the Topics tab on the right side of the page. You'll also find a sweet little comment box at the bottom of each article. That's for you. Write whatever you'd like in there. Just keep it clean. I'll be watching you.

In addition to the Blog, uh err, I mean "Articles with Cool Comment Feature", you may have noticed some great new items in our     Gift Shop    recently. What's that? You have no idea we had a Gift Shop? Turn your head slightly to the left. It's that yellow column that says "Gift Shop" at the top. I'll be using that space to show off Subway-related stuff you'll be fixin' to git your hands on. Including this     modern Rochester Subway map    , a     vintage postcard    of Rochester City Hall and the Subway entrance as it looked in 1942. Not into postcards? How about some original     Trolley & Bus Passes    from the 1940's?

Well I think I've done enough blogging... uh, err, jabbering for now. Oh look, here's your chance to use that spiffy new comment box I told you about...

Chris Gemignani

Chris Gemignani

Rochester, NY, USA