This article was scraped from Rochester Subway. This is a blog about Rochester history and urbanism has not been published since 2017. The current owners are now publishing link spam which made me want to preserve this history.. The original article was published September 30, 2014 and can be found here.

As an alumn of TEDxRochester, I want to give a quick plug for this upcoming event. And I'm doubly happy to tell you about this year's speakers as there are several whom I have personal connections with, and deep respect for. This is a jam packed line up...

Jerry DeCarolis
You may remember Jerry's grand plans for StadiumVille which were unveiled here a little while ago. Since then Jerry and I have shared several BIG ideas for Rochester over burgers and beer. He's one of those people who makes no little plans.
Tiffany Staropoli
Give a girl cancer and her whole world suddenly snaps into focus. Or at least that was Tiffany's experience. Inspired by her adventures with Stage 4 Colon Cancer in 2013, she started

, a blog about finding and developing new ways to handle life's most challenging obstacles. The Staropoli's are good friends of my family so this is a story I've watched closely and with GREAT admiration.
Jeff Gabel
He is Chief Creative Officer at advertising agency Partners + Napier

headquartered right here in Rochester. Jeff has been my boss and mentor for the past decade, and he is HIGH octane, fully caffeinated, and wildly entertaining. With more than 30 years of industry experience, his leadership has helped craft some major global brands including Capital One, Lufthansa Airlines, Bausch + Lomb, Ray-Ban, Wegmans, UPS, Keurig Green Mountain, Xerox, and Mobil.
Dan Lill
He helped establish R Community Bikes

which collects and repairs used bicycles for distribution, free of charge, to Rochester's most needy children and adults. I love this kind of grassroots effort and innovation... and I recently gave them my beloved 20-year-old 10-speed to be revived hopefully for another 20 years.
Jon Schull
another good friend and mentor of mine, Jon will be speaking about eNABLE, an online community that designs, customizes and fabricates affordable 3D-printed prosthetic hands for children and adults with missing fingers and hands.
Susan Spencer
She is a recent PhD working to increase solar cell efficiency, basically laying out the entire plan of what it will take to get Rochester to be solar-only, from the macro, community-level scale to the micro, individual level.
One Team, One Fight
Rochester is in the top 10 cities in the country to be a returning veteran, and Eric Wheeler and Jeremy Bagley are working hard to move us to #1 very soon. This will be the very first TED talk ever (anywhere) on veterans and their issues.
* * *
Check out

for more on these and all the other speakers and their exceptional stories. The event this year is being held at the Kodak Center for Performing Arts on Saturday, November 15, from 8am-4pm. That's right, they're doing it on a Saturday this year, so no need to take the day off from work!
Registration closes October 8. So don't put this off - fill out your application

right now!