Take a Trip on the Monroe County Subway

Take a Trip on the Monroe County Subway

This article was scraped from Rochester Subway. This is a blog about Rochester history and urbanism has not been published since 2017. The current owners are now publishing link spam which made me want to preserve this history.. The original article was published May 19, 2015 and can be found here.

Greater Rochester and Monroe County fantasy subway map. [IMAGE: Marshall Allen]

     By       Mike Governale

Here's something that turned up in the RocSubway email box a few weeks ago and we thought it pretty neat. Rochester expatriate Marshall Allen designed this     Greater Rochester / Monroe County subway map    for no other reason than to satisfy his own geeky curiosity. Sounds familiar. We'll add this one to our collection of fantasy Rochester subway maps...

Greater Rochester and Monroe County fantasy subway map. [IMAGE: Marshall Allen]

Here's     a full size version of the map    so you can get in there and take a good look at it. The following are the artist's own words...

Hey there Rochester Subway,    Over the past couple of days, just for fun, I created a subway map for Rochester and the greater Monroe County area. I am from Rochester originally but have recently been in NYC interning with the NYC Planning Department office of Urban Design. I will also start my graduate education at Columbia University School of Art, Architecture and Planning.    I love Rochester and someday hope to return home to work with Urban Design related issues. I thought you might enjoy seeing this map of the subway. Please know that I understand that how this map is drawn would never really be practical due to the low densities present in the suburbs. It was created considering major arterials and from a graphic standpoint as well. It is of course, based off of the NYC Metro map. Enjoy! And let me know what you think.    Sincerely,
   Marshall Allen    * * *

The more we review this "subway" system the more we like it. It hits all the key locations in Rochester and there are plenty of cross town connections. But one thing we found kind of humorous: Transit options to and from RIT have always been sub par, but even in this fantasy subway world, you'd STILL have to transfer at least once to get anywhere from the Henrietta campus...

And still, RIT is off on it's own little suburban island. [IMAGE: Marshall Allen]

Even in our wildest dreams, sprawl doesn't pay.

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Chris Gemignani

Chris Gemignani

Rochester, NY, USA