RocLinks 6/25/16

This article was scraped from Rochester Subway. This is a blog about Rochester history and urbanism has not been published since 2017. The current owners are now publishing link spam which made me want to preserve this history.. The original article was published June 25, 2016 and can be found here.

Cobbs Hill Aerial [PHOTO: City Hall Photo Lab contemporary collection]

     By       Matthew Denker

From local development to just plain news of the weird, here are your RocLinks for this past week...

Filling-In Asked Questions

Blogger Rochester Guy (who I swear is not me under a pseudonym),     has a post

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about the Inner Loop Filling In Project. It hits the high points, so check it out.


Did you know that Whole Foods is coming to Brighton? Did you also know that thanks to years of transportation mismanagement, the store is predicted to cause a     traffic nightmare

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for the corridor? If only Monroe Ave were 14 lanes wide, amirite? Or, you know, there could be, at the very least, frequent circulator service so much of the traffic of linked trips driving from one shop to the next went away. Thought for food.

Words, Renovations

Renovations at the Public Library     kicked off

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this week. The big news is that the renovations will allow for evening hours starting in 2017. That alone makes it worth it.

Cobb Shill

So yeah, there was an apartment building proposed for Norris Drive in or around Cobbs Hill Park (depending on your borders). We haven't talked about it much here, because, well, it's bland and inoffensive other than daring to exist, which is, of course,     entirely too much

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for its neighbors. This, like so many projects is a way to bring more people with more money into the city to be more diverse and create more demand for more jobs internally. More more more. But the people living on Park Ave and East Ave and Upper Monroe already got theirs, so too late. More money in the city to take care of the rest of it is clearly a road too far. Do I look forward to a 'better' design for this project? Sure. It's actually in a good location, and the developer should be able to get premium rents for a well designed project. Will a more attractive building sway the neighbors? I have $1000 donation to the Upper Monroe Neighborhood Association that says it doesn't.

For the Movies

And finally, outdoor movie buffs rejoice,     Movies with a Downtown View

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are back this summer. Get out and see one on a Friday starting July 22nd and running through August 19th.    * * *

As always, use the comments below as open discussion for anything in these links - or let us know if there's a topic you'd like to see us hit more aggressively in future RocLinks. Have a great weekend!

Chris Gemignani

Chris Gemignani

Rochester, NY, USA