iPhone Band Rocks It Out On NYC Subway

iPhone Band Rocks It Out On NYC Subway

This article was scraped from Rochester Subway. This is a blog about Rochester history and urbanism has not been published since 2017. The current owners are now publishing link spam which made me want to preserve this history.. The original article was published October 18, 2010 and can be found here.

Atomic Tom holds an impromptu jam session on the B train. Or maybe it was planned... but who the f*ck cares it's freakin awesome.

The latest subway performance making the rounds actually has a tech-angle. A band known as Atomic Tom recently staged an "impromptu" show on the B train, but played one of their songs using only iPhones. The video was uploaded to YouTube and has since logged more than 633K views.

Watch this...

A     blog post    from an A&R manager posted to the comments section on Boing Boing said he was invited to a video shoot for Atomic Tom:

One by one, friends of the band began to arrive. The producer and band members refused to tell us what we were going to be doing, but simply asked us who had an iPhone 4. Luckily, I did... The four of us with iPhone 4s were the cameramen for the shoot on the B train riding over the Brooklyn Bridge from Manhattan to Brooklyn.

So like, what I'd like to know is, who's idea was this? The band's... or Apple's?

Chris Gemignani

Chris Gemignani

Rochester, NY, USA