Inner Loop Officially 'Dead Man Walking'

Inner Loop Officially 'Dead Man Walking'

This article was scraped from Rochester Subway. This is a blog about Rochester history and urbanism has not been published since 2017. The current owners are now publishing link spam which made me want to preserve this history.. The original article was published September 09, 2011 and can be found here.

An aerial view of Rochester on April 25, 1963. On the right is the cleared right-of-way for the final segment of the Inner Loop. [PHOTO: Local History Division, Central Library of Rochester.]

   It's no secret that I am wholeheartedly in favor of removing Rochester's Inner Loop roadway which encircles downtown and chokes it off from the surrounding neighborhoods like an ever tightening     noose

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. What we didn't know until today was that City Council and Mayor Tom Richards feel the same...

According to a     D&C article

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published this morning, a City Council committee has authorized the city to spend $5 million on the project and apply for a $15 million federal Department of Transportation grant to cover the bulk of the $22 million in anticipated costs.

Councilmembers Carla Palumbo and Carolee Conklin publicly spoke in favor of the plan; and while I'm not always in alignment with Council, today I commended them in     this WXXI piece by Zack Seward

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where I tried to sum up my position in a short soundbyte. Check it out.

Thanks to Zack for the     interview

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. And thank you City Council for seeing the big picture and voting to reconnect Rochester.

Chris Gemignani

Chris Gemignani

Rochester, NY, USA