This article was scraped from Rochester Subway. This is a blog about Rochester history and urbanism has not been published since 2017. The current owners are now publishing link spam which made me want to preserve this history.. The original article was published March 24, 2014 and can be found here.

The Honeoye Falls Community Association says they have filed an Article 78 Petition to invalidate the February 17th code change allowing drive-through restaurants in the General Commercial District.
A similar petition was submitted in November 2013 to invalidate an identical code change passed in October 2013. In response to the first petition, the Board of Trustees rescinded the code change in December 2013. The Board then passed the code change again on February 17th, 2014...
![A typical Dunkin Donuts with drive-thru. [PHOTO: Flickr, Random Retail]](
The Honeoye Falls Community Association asserts that, in passing this code change, the village government:
- Failed to conduct the required environmental and traffic studies
- Neglected to take into account the Comprehensive Planning process
- Insufficiently addressed the concerns of residents expressed before and during the public hearings held on October 21st, 2013 and January 20th, 2014
- Violated the Open Meetings Law on multiple occasions
Furthermore, the code change:
- Constitutes illegal spot zoning
- Was still not referred to the Monroe County Planning Department properly, as required by the General Municipal Law
We do not believe this code change is in the best interests of the Village of Honeoye Falls and feel this action is necessary until our public officials heed our concerns, follow proper processes, and adhere to the law.
See previous story: Dear Honeoye Falls... Drive-thru's Are Unnecessary and Costly