From Eyesore to Opportunity: Rochester's Teoronto/Smith Block

From Eyesore to Opportunity: Rochester's Teoronto/Smith Block

This article was scraped from Rochester Subway. This is a blog about Rochester history and urbanism has not been published since 2017. The current owners are now publishing link spam which made me want to preserve this history.. The original article was published April 03, 2012 and can be found here.

The Teoronto/Smith Block on State Street. From Eyesore to Opportunity: a snapshot of adaptive reuse in Rochester N.Y.

   All the controversy over whether or not to demolish the 120 year-old brewhouse at     13 Cataract Street

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got us thinking. Those in favor of demolishing the building say it's an eyesore and a haven for drug dealers; even prostitutes. So, just remove the building and our problems go away.


But if we demolished every eyesore in Rochester, would we have solved all the City's problems? Or might we end up tossing the proverbial "baby" out with the bath water? For the next two weeks we'll take a look at some local eyesores ...or rather, opportunities, nearly lost.

Teoronto/Smith Block
   364-392 State Street

Part of the Teoronto Block between State and Mill Streets, these buildings survive as a rare example of early Rochester commercial and small-scale industrial architecture
   and as a reminder of the early community of     Frankfort

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, which abutted     Rochesterville

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to its south. This row of three-story buildings was developed gradually from 1844-1868, and its fortunate proximity to the economic powerhouse of Kodak Headquarters across the street ensured the success of numerous businesses until vacancies took over toward the end of the twentieth century and the buildings were boarded up and sat vacant for about 15 years.

In 2010 the     Urban League of Rochester

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rehabilitated the properties as phase II of the     Mills at High Falls

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. Funding for the $6.8 Million project was partially provided by state and federal historic tax credit programs. A total of 21 units for low-income families and residents with physical disabilities, as well as market-rate lofts and apartments are now fully occupied.

Here's the "eyesore"...

The Teoronto/Smith Block on State Street, Rochester N.Y.

And here is the "opportunity" we nearly lost...

The Teoronto/Smith Block on State Street, Rochester N.Y.

Thanks to Caitlin at The Landmark Society for the great information! Thanks to Barkstrom & LaCroix Architects for the photos!

How You Can Help...

Speak out against the demolition of 13 Cataract Street.     Send an email to the Brewery and City Hall

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and show your support for a larger vision--Rochester's Brewery Square.

Attend the public hearing on April 4 and speak out for saving 13 Cataract from Demolition.

And     attend the public hearing

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on April 4 at 8pm and sign up to speak in favor of preserving 13 Cataract for future development and reuse.

Chris Gemignani

Chris Gemignani

Rochester, NY, USA