Christine No Like Rochester Subway! ARR!

Christine No Like Rochester Subway! ARR!

This article was scraped from Rochester Subway. This is a blog about Rochester history and urbanism has not been published since 2017. The current owners are now publishing link spam which made me want to preserve this history.. The original article was published January 21, 2010 and can be found here.

Christine says she's lived in Rochester all her life. For some reason she's mad as hell and she blames pretty much everyone. (This is not a photo of Christine. Just how I imagine she looks when she's mad.)

   Let me just preface this. Those of you who follow know I am not trying to bring back the Subway--although if Mayor Duffy announced its re-opening tomorrow I'd promptly nominate him to be crowned King of Rochester. My mission is plainly stated at the bottom of every page on this site. I support any initiative that will improve the quality of life for all Rochesterians. A bike lane here or there. Perhaps a few good grocery stores downtown, etc. etc. My goal is to get Rochester thinking about the possibilities and to spark public dialogue.

Most of the feedback I get from my readers is very positive and I've had a lot of great ideas thrown my way. But for every 20 people I hear from, there's usually one person who's... well... a real visionary. This month's award goes to Christine B. from Rochester. In fact, I may have to name the award after her. Christine makes the assumption that I am out to garnish her paycheck and use it to bring back the Rochester Subway. And oh boy is she P.O.'d!

A word of caution before you read her     monologue    ... if you're a Kodak employee, a "liberal", unemployed, gay, or if you are homeless, some of Christine's ideas may offend you. But if you read between the lines, I'm sure you'll see where she's going with this line of thought. Oh, and PLEASE share your opinions in the comments. I know Christine will appreciate your feedback...

Christine may be mad, but she loves her SUV.

"I suggest that the old subway terminal be filled in with dirt before some smelly assed homeless dude sues the pants off the city for getting hurt down there. Maybe you can use the piles of rubble from the       old Kodak buildings      to fill it in. This city does not need another whacko liberal project to waste our tax dollars. We do not want your stupid bus station/ theatre. We do not want a fast fairy. And we do not want a subway. It was obsolete in 1954. It's only more obsolete now. Buy a S.U.V. if you need a ride."

"The last thing we need is anoter tax exempt museum. Fill it with dirt and be done with it."


So without getting into a knock-down, drag-out brawl with Christine, I politely followed up with her and asked if she had any other ideas or suggestions for improving Rochester? Of course she did...

"Yes, hire more cops. Put the criminals in jail and keep them there. Also, throw the bums out who do not pay their taxes. Stop giving homes to low lifes who have no jobs to pay for them. And, lastly, Shut down       Aids Rochester      . All that organization does is bring us more diseased gay people to support with our limited tax dollars."

Hey thanks Christine! Okay Rochester, this is what you're up against.

Chris Gemignani

Chris Gemignani

Rochester, NY, USA