A Ghastly Warning from the Abandoned Rochester Subway

A Ghastly Warning from the Abandoned Rochester Subway

This article was scraped from Rochester Subway. This is a blog about Rochester history and urbanism has not been published since 2017. The current owners are now publishing link spam which made me want to preserve this history.. The original article was published October 28, 2009 and can be found here.

This Rochester Streetcar and Subway weekly pass from October 1935 wishes riders a 'Happy Halloween'.

Okay so Halloween is fast approaching. I hate the stinking day myself for reasons I won't get into. But I recognize that most people like a good ghost story so I thought I'd share this. I regularly ask people to send us personal stories and experiences from the Rochester Subway and last summer an individual named Jeffrey Smith sent us a rather blunt warning about the abandoned subway tunnel. Claiming it to be hallowed ground, Jeffrey warns, "Leave it alone, don't mess with it. It is fine the way it is, we don't want your stupid shops or anything like that in it. I refuse to go within 100 yards of any of the entrances because of the strong spiritual pressure I feel going there..."

After I pressed him to elaborate, he returned with this cryptic message "I can let you know right now that I have known people who have lived in the abandoned subway and have been killed there. I have walked underground for hours coming out at random sections to see how far we had actually traveled. I have seen things, heard things, that I can't begin to describe other than spirits. I have actually considered going back through there with a paranormal investigative team to see if I really is haunted. But I would put my money on the fact that it is. I would have no problems sitting down with you and talking more if you would like as I have been through there on multiple occasions." I never did take the opportunity to sit down with Jeff. To be honest his story kind of freaked me out.

So it's your call. You can pick up a flashlight and laugh in the face of death like these local     Ghost Hunters    , or you can play it safe this Halloween, heed Jeffrey's warning, and go door to door begging for Tootsie Rolls. I'll be at home, watching Cops.

Oh, and do let me know what you run into out there.
   Whoo ah ah ahhh!

Chris Gemignani

Chris Gemignani

Rochester, NY, USA